March 22, 2021

How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient - Top 9 Tips

You can save money on your energy bill or make an environmental impact by making your home energy efficient. There are so many ways to reduce energy wastage.

Here are some of the tips to make your home energy


Before you start building a new home or renovating an old one, do consider investing in energy-efficient methods. You will not only save money and energy but also the home will be more durable and comfortable.

Check out the following methods:

Seal up air-leaks

If there is air leaking in or out of your home, there is won’t be any temperature regulation. In this situation, it will be difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature. You can make your home more energy efficient by a draught-proofing process. It is a simple method for checking air-leaks and sealing up any openings. Then the air can’t escape and maintains the coziness and warmth of the house.

Use your air-condition right

Optimize the air-conditioner in your place. Regulate the A/C settings in sync with the climatic changes and weather conditions. You can start by increasing the thermostat by 2 points, set a timer, or use climate zones to make your home energy efficient.

Check alternatives for heating/cooling your place

The problems with air conditioners are that they make us cozy and comfortable immediately. Instead try switching on the fans, open the windows for a bit, or even take a nice cold shower before turning on the A/C.

Use solar energy

How cool would it be if there was a free energy source? And, guess what? There is the sun, the ultimate free source of energy, supplying unlimited supply. Additionally, it is also renewable. Opt for a solar water heater system and solar panels for other energy requirements. Therefore, you can considerably reduce your energy bills and dependence on the grid.

Upgrade the hot water system

An inefficient hot water system creates a huge drain on electricity. However, this system consumes more energy than any other appliance in your household. Update your system to an energy-efficient model to reduce the expenditures for your home and the bills.

Opt for smart windows

Homes tend to gain or lose a lot of heat through the windows. Check out smarter windows for making a difference in your place. You can try simple tactics like reducing the size of the east and west-facing windows. Build sun shades outside to reduce the heat entering the house. The external shade factors help to significantly control the heat from outside especially in the warmer seasons.

Invest in smarter appliances

Check the star rating for a home appliance before you buy them. When you have to replace the refrigerator or the washing machine, then look for the number of green stars in the new machine. The more green stars, the more energy-efficient they are for your home. They are on the expensive side, but consider it as an investment rather than an expense.

Try changing your habits

If you are already following many environmental-friendly habits, then great. Else, try to incorporate some of them into your everyday routine to see a massive change in your energy bills.

The very small changes in your lifestyle make a significant drop in your power consumption on the whole. You can start by turning off fans, switches, and other appliances when they are not in use. Rely on daylight rather than switching on the lights unnecessarily. Go for cold water to wash the clothes and hang them out to dry instead of the dryer. Optimize energy conservation to make an efficient home.

Go for insulation

The most powerful thing to create an energy-efficient home is by insulating it. The insulation present in the walls, ceilings, floors, and mid-floors helps to slow down the flow of heat through the house.

Most importantly, they keep the home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It automatically reduces your reliance on artificial heating/ cooling appliances. Overall, they support you with small energy bills.

How to make the home more energy efficient during the renovation?

Renovation is a great phase to make your home highly energy efficient. You can also make many positive changes during the construction of a new building. It is vital to plan major decisions for the home like designing the windows or installing insulation at every part of the house.

You should not miss the opportunity during construction or renovation to incorporate such aspects. You can implement and invest in the same and enjoy the benefits in the longer run. Looking for energy efficiency through insulation?

Talk to the experts at Pricerite Insulation for the best results in Melbourne and all of Victoria.

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