February 7, 2017

Top 5 Warning Signs to Replace the Insulation at Home

Are you having any trouble heating or cooling your home? Do you see an increase in the power

bills in the recent few months? If yes, then you need to think about the insulation in your home.

There are high chances that the place is under-insulated.

It is a bigger problem than most assume it to be. As time passes by, the insulation at your home

can become less effective. It can make it harder overall for heating or cooling the living space.

You have to bear the extra expenses of the electricity while adjusting to the uncomfortable

indoor environment.

Does insulation have an expiry?

Similar to other devices and appliances at home, the wall and ceiling insulation will wear down

with time. If you are wondering how long they generally last, well it depends. The factors include

the type of materials used for insulation and the quality of the finish. External factors like

rodents, extreme weather conditions, water damages also have a significant impact on the


Consider it your priority to change damaged or old insulation with high-quality new products. It is

vital because your under-insulated homes will have a difficult time regulating temperatures


How often should you replace insulation for your home?

In an ideal world, insulation should last for several decades and maybe close to a hundred

years. But there are so many deciding factors that lead to the degradation of the insulation for

your home. You need to replace them as soon they are old or stop functioning efficiently.

Additionally, you should immediately change them if they are damaged due to rodents or water.

What are the main indicative warning signs to replace


The following signs could be indicative that you need to replace the insulation at your home.

Indoor temperatures are fluctuating

If the indoor environmental temperature is changing or fluctuating way too often, then you need

to consider it. The main purpose of insulation is to reduce the heat flow in and out of your home.

It is supposed to keep the house warmer in winter and cooler in summer. If the insulation is old

it stops working properly. Later, the temperature inside the house starts fluctuating according to

the outdoor temperature.

Heating and cooling gets difficult

If your air conditioner is working too hard, then it is indicative that insulation is ineffective.

Basically, your appliances are having a hard time heating or cool down your home. Then, it is

time to make the change and insulate your place from scratch.

Power bills are increasing

You are receiving heavy energy bills than ever before. When the house gets uncomfortably hot

or cold, then your reliance on artificial heating and cooling increases automatically. It leads to

extra power consumption and hence your bills rise. Get your house properly insulated to have

control over your expenditure. Consider it as an investment rather than an expense.

There is an indication of rodents

You start to suspect an infestation of rats, mice, or other creatures. If these rats or similar

rodents get access to the roof and start reproducing, they can cause some serious damage. It is

difficult to know the cause of under-insulation. Therefore, it is better to seek the help of a

professional to assess the situation.

Leaks and other damages due to water storms

There can be water damages due to a storm or other sources. The home needs proper

insulation if you find leaks or any other water damage. If the ceiling insulation gets wet, then the

millions of air pockets in the material will get compressed and stops functioning effectively. The

trapped moisture can lead to molds or leaks that only damage the house further. Hence, it is

highly important to replace the water-damaged insulation to avoid bigger problems.

How to improve the insulation of the home?

A lot of houses in Australia are under-insulated. Especially the older homes from decades ago

suffer from a serious case of temperature fluctuations. This means that a lot of families are not

reaping the actual benefits that home insulation can provide them. Many internal and external

factors may damage the insulation as time progresses. You must be aware of the warning signs

and indications to plan a renovation of your home.

Firstly, ensure that the ceilings, roof, and exterior walls of the home have the right insulation in

place. The roof is responsible for 35% of heat gain or loss of the house, while the walls

contribute close to 25%. Hence, it is highly vital to insulate these parts of the home first.

Additionally, you need to consider the R-value of the home.

Next, you need to focus on the other areas such as the floors, internal walls, mid-floors if you

live in a multi-story building. When you insulate these areas as well, then you create a proper

climate zone inside the home that is more energy-efficient. Furthermore, you can invest in

acoustic insulation for noise cancellation benefits as well.

For all your queries, concerns, and insulation products and services needs, contact Pricerite

Insulation for the best results.

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